This section contains the prescribed nomination forms used in nominating or applying for topics for HTA. 

You may submit accomplished topic nomination forms or any of the documents listed above via our official email,, during the designated timelines per HTA Track.

General HTA Track

Note: The call for the 2023 HTA Topic nominations for Cycle 2 is already closed. The schedule for the next nomination cycle is still to be determined. 

The HTA Council released the final 2023 HTA Topic Nomination and Prioritization Guidelines 31 August 2023 for the 2023 Call for HTA Topic Nominations.

The guidelines contain these 3 sections, namely: (1) Topic Nomination; (2) Topic Prioritization; and (3) Overall timelines for the Topic Nomination and Prioritization. You may access the guidelines through this link: 2023NomPrioGuidelines

You may download the Nomination forms from the file links in the table below:

Name of Nomination FormDownloadable Form
Clinical Equipment and DevicesClinDevNomForm
Drugs and Vaccines2023DVNomForm 
Medical and Surgical Procedures2023MedSPNomForm 
Other Health Technologies2023OtherHTNomForm
Preventive and Promotive Health Services2023PrevPromNomForm
Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine2023TradMedNomForm
Any Type of Health Technology for Patient Groups Civil/Society/Public2023PGCSONomForm

We gently remind our stakeholders that HTA Philippines will not process incomplete or late submissions.

Minor Inclusion to the Philippine National Formulary (PNF)

Per DOH Department Circular 2022-0254* and Department Circular 2022-0584*, the Minor inclusion track is applicable for  drugs that are currently listed in the PNF, but are being applied for: change in or additional strength; packaging; net content; pack size/volume; and any other change that will not result in a significant difference in terms of bioavailability and meaningful clinical outcomes with the PNF-listed drugs. 

This process track is open year-round and stakeholders may nominate/apply for drugs for minor inclusion given that they are already listed in the PNF. Kindly note, however, that all submissions shall be completed and submitted to the HTA Division within 14 working days after acknowledgement and validation of the requirements submitted. Please be advised that late and incomplete submissions will not be processed. 

You may download the nomination form below:

* included in the guidelines to be updated in the DOST HTA AO.