Date of publication: November 20, 2020
Objectives of the Assessment:
- To determine the approved uses of pooled testing by regulatory agencies in other countries
- To determine the validation testing requirements of regulatory agencies for pooled testing in other countries
- To determine the performance standards of pooled testing by regulatory agencies in other countries
- To determine the accuracy of pooled testing in the diagnosis, screening, and surveillance of COVID-19 as compared to unpooled RT-PCR
- To synthesize information on implemented testing strategies using pooled testing for diagnosis, screening, and surveillance of COVID-19 in different countries
- To synthesize information on current position of HTA agencies regarding the use of pooled testing for diagnosis, screening, and surveillance of COVID-19
- To determine the resource requirements needed to implement pooled testing
Rapid review: Use of Pooled Testing for the Diagnosis, Screening and Surveillance of COVID-19
Evidence summary: Use of Pooled Testing for the Diagnosis, Screening, and Surveillance of COVID-19
HTAC Recommendation Review: