On 22 September 2022,  the HTAC submitted its findings on 2nd boosters for healthy individuals ages 18 to 49 years to the Office of the Secretary based on the best available evidence using the HTAC decision framework: Evaluation Framework

The HTAD received the acceptance of the OIC-SOH of the findings on 2nd booster for healthy individual ages 19 to 49 years old on 05 October 2022, to wit: 

The HTAC does not recommend COVID-19 Vaccines for second boosters for healthy individuals ages 18 to 49 years at this time for the following reasons:

  • There is evidence on sustained protection of the first booster against severe COVID-19.
  • There is limited evidence on the protection of the second booster among healthy populations ages 18 to 49 years.
  • The existing COVID-19 vaccine supply shall be used to increase the vaccination coverage of the 1st booster dose.

As a body that deliberates dependable scientific data and follows an evidence-based decision-making process, the HTAC continues to emphasize the need to enhance the coverage of primary and booster vaccination among our higher priority groups A1 to A3 across the country. This will have a more substantial impact in preventing infection, hospitalization, and deaths; preserving the health system; and keeping the economy open. 

Details of the evidence considered and findings may be found in this links: Summary of Findings and 

HTAC Judgement

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