On 15 December 2022, the DOH OIC-Secretary Maria Rosario Singh-Vergeire and DOST Secretary Renato Solidum, Jr. met to formally transfer the Health Technology Assessment Council (HTAC) and the Health Technology Assessment Division (HTAD) to the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) effective January 2023, following the provisions of the UHC act. This meeting was presided over by OIC-Usec. Charade Mercado-Grande of the Health Regulation Team and attended by representatives of HTAD headed by Division Chief Ms. Anne Julienne Genuino-Marfori together with Dr. Marita Tolentino-Reyes (HTAC Chairperson and Ethics Practitioner) and Dr. Bu Castro (Medico-Legal Expert, HTAC Core Committee), as well as OIC-Usec. Maridon O. Sahagun of the Office of the Undersecretary for Scientific and Technical Services and Executive Director Jaime C. Montoya of the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development under the DOST.
The meeting served as a platform for discussion of the status of current initiatives on the implementation of HTA transition from DOH to DOST and the immediate steps to smooth the transition of HTA from DOH to DOST presented by Usec. Grande and Usec. Sahagun.
Representatives from the DOH offices, Personnel Administration Division (PAD), Financial Management Service (FMS), Legal Service (LS), and Health Policy Development and Planning Bureau (HPDPB), were also present. Representatives from the DOST offices, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administrative and Legal Affairs, Administrative and Legal Service, and Financial and Management Service were also present. The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) representatives were also present in the meeting led by Dir. Gerald R. Janda.
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