SOH approves the HTAC recommendation on the minor inclusion of sambong 250mg tablet in PNF The Secretary of Health approved the HTAC recommendation on the minor inclusion of sambong 250mg tablet for anti-urolithiasis (kidney stones) in the Philippine National Formulary (PNF) on 14 January 2022. Minor inclusions are applicable to drugs that are currently listed in the continue reading : Sambong 250mg Tablet for Anti-Urolithiasis (Kidney Stones)
Use of Casirivimab + Imdevimab for the Treatment of COVID-19
HTAC interim recommendation on the use of casirivimab+imdevimab for the treatment of COVID-19 On 24 December 2021, the Secretary of Health approved and signed the Health Technology Assessment Council (HTAC) interim recommendation for the government not to finance casirivimab+imdevimab for the treatment of COVID-19. The Philippine Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an Emergency Use Authorization continue reading : Use of Casirivimab + Imdevimab for the Treatment of COVID-19
Covovax for the Prevention of COVID-19
Date of publication: December 14, 2021 Decision of the Secretary of Health: Approved (24 December 2021) Pursuant to the role of the Health Technology Assessment Council (HTAC) to develop coverage recommendations particularly in the selection and financing of COVID-19 vaccines using the Evaluation Framework set by the HTAC, this report presents all currently available evidence considered in the continue reading : Covovax for the Prevention of COVID-19
Sputnik V Gam-COVID-Vac COVID-19 Vaccine for the Prevention of COVID-19 (December Reassessment)
Date of publication: December 14, 2021 Decision of the Secretary of Health: Approved (24 December 2021) Pursuant to the role of the Health Technology Assessment Council (HTAC) to develop coverage recommendations particularly in the selection and financing of COVID-19 vaccines using the Evaluation Framework set by the HTAC, this report presents all currently available evidence considered in the continue reading : Sputnik V Gam-COVID-Vac COVID-19 Vaccine for the Prevention of COVID-19 (December Reassessment)