Sputnik V, Pfizer – BioNTech, Janssen, AstraZeneca (June Reassessments)

COVID-19 VACCINES EVIDENCE SUMMARY HTAC PRESS RELEASE In fulfilment of its mandate of promoting evidence-informed health policy and decision-making, the Health Technology Assessment Council (HTAC) continues to update its assessments of health technologies. In light of emerging real world effectiveness and real world safety data, the HTAC considers new evidence in updating recommendations on the continue reading : Sputnik V, Pfizer – BioNTech, Janssen, AstraZeneca (June Reassessments)

HTAC Guidance for the General Public: COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna

The HTAC recommends the emergency use of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine (Nucleoside Modified) (COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna) for the prevention of COVID-19 for persons aged 18 and older. COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna under Emergency Use The emergency use authorization of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (dated 07 May 2021) allows for timely access of COVID-19 vaccines for continue reading : HTAC Guidance for the General Public: COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna

HTAC Guidance for Health Care Providers: COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna

The HTAC recommends the emergency use of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine (Nucleoside Modified) (COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna) for the prevention of COVID-19 for persons aged 18 and older. Introduction (nature and purpose of EUA) The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issues emergency use authorization (EUA) for vaccines and drugs during public health emergencies. This authorization expedites the continue reading : HTAC Guidance for Health Care Providers: COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna

HTAC Guidance for Health Care Providers : COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen

The HTAC recommends the emergency use of Janssen Ad26.COV2.S (COVID-19) Vaccine to prevent COVID-19 for persons aged 18 and older. Introduction (nature and purpose of EUA) The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issues emergency use authorization (EUA) for vaccines and drugs during public health emergencies. This authorization expedites the availability of interventions for affected populations. continue reading : HTAC Guidance for Health Care Providers : COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen

HTAC Guidance for the General Public : COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen

The HTAC recommends the emergency use of Janssen Ad26.COV2.S (COVID-19) Vaccine to prevent COVID-19 for persons aged 18 and older. Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine under Emergency Use The emergency use authorization of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (dated 16 April 2021)  allows for timely access of COVID-19 vaccines for Filipinos during the pandemic. continue reading : HTAC Guidance for the General Public : COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen