Preliminary Recommendation for the Inclusion of Rituximab 1400 mg/11.7 mL Solution for Subcutaneous (SC) Injection for the Treatment of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Document link: Evidence Summary on Subcutaneous Rituximab for the Treatment of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (Proponents may submit appeals to until 18 March 2022.) Document Preview:
Vasopressin 20 I.U./mL (I.V./I.M./S.C.)
The Secretary of Health (SOH) approved the HTAC recommendation on the reinclusion of vasopressin in the PNF on 02 March 2022. Link to issuance Vasopressin 20 I.U./mL (I.V./I.M./S.C.) was previously listed in the Philippine National Formulary (PNF); however, it was automatically delisted in 2017 since the drug was no longer registered in the Philippine Food continue reading : Vasopressin 20 I.U./mL (I.V./I.M./S.C.)

Pediatric Vaccination for the prevention of COVID-19 for 5 to 11 age group
HTAC Recommends the Use of Pfizer-BioNTech (10ug/dose) COVID-19 Vaccine for Children 5 to 11 Years Old: Guidance and Conditions for Implementation Released on 11 February 2022 Link to Evidence Summary: Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for children 5 to 11 years old COVID-19 Vaccines under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) The Philippine Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issues an EUA for continue reading : Pediatric Vaccination for the prevention of COVID-19 for 5 to 11 age group