As of 26 February 2025, the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Council hereby makes public its preliminary recommendation on the possible financing of Fecal immunohistochemical test (FIT) as an annual screening test for colorectal cancer for apparently healthy adults aged 50 years and above by the Department of Health (DOH) and/or PhilHealth, for stakeholder feedback/comments.

Based on the reviewed evidence, the HTA Council recommends qualitative FIT as an annual screening test for colorectal cancer for apparently healthy adults aged 50 years and above for financing of DOH and/or PhilHealth.

For the evidence reviewed by the HTA Council, please refer to the advisory and the evidence document below.

All comments, inputs, and/or appeals on the above preliminary recommendation may be submitted until 12 March 2025, for the consideration of the HTA Council, through email at Please use the prescribed form for appeals indicated on the official HTA Philippines website []. Appeals not following the prescribed format, and those submitted beyond the deadline shall not be entertained.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the preliminary recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact us through the aforementioned email address or via telephone at (02) 8651-7800 loc 2410.