Health Technology Assessment (HTA) research agenda 2021

Pursuant to the Universal Health Care (UHC) Act, all health technologies that the government will implement and cover shall undergo health technology assessment (HTA). This aims to ensure the rational utilization of various health technologies that will be funded by the government. 

In this regard, a collaborative approach in HTA through the commissioning of independent academic teams and creation of a research network with the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) will streamline the work on evidence reviews, and accelerate the delivery of much-needed advice by decision-makers and health policy makers. Per Administrative Order 2020-0041, an HTA research network shall be formed jointly by DOH and DOST to support the activities of HTAU. This network aims to implement a research agenda related to HTA by developing methods guides and conducting assessments. The creation and development of the HTA research network shall follow a mechanism agreed upon by DOH and DOST.

Moreover, as one of the implementing partners of the Philippine National Health Research System as stipulated in RA 10532, the Department of Health (DOH) together with the DOST – Philippine Council for Health Research and Development, Commission on Higher Education, and the UP Manila – National Institutes of Health, seek to improve the health status productivity and “the quality of life of Filipinos.”

This project is therefore being undertaken to develop the HTA Research Network that will facilitate the conduct of assessments and  development of HTA methods guides specific to selected health technologies.

For more information read more here


  • Capsule proposal (maximum of 5 pages)
  • Letter of Intent
  • Workplan Schedule (Gantt Chart of Activities)
  • Curriculum Vitae of lead proponent (Principal Investigator/Project Leader)
  • Profile of the institution
  • Endorsement of agency head

                    Download Research capsule(Capsule Proposal) template 

Interested parties may send their requirements to on or before July 23, 2021  

Health Technology TopicProject TitleTimeline
Medical and Surgical Procedures HTA ProgramDevelopment of Methods Guide for assessing health technologies under medical and surgical procedures5 months
Preventive and Promotive Health HTA ProgramDevelopment of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Methods Guide for Assessing Preventive and Promotive Health Services5 months
Traditional Medicine HTA ProgramDevelopment of Methods Guide for Locally-introduced and Locally-developed Traditional and Complementary Medicine (T&CM)5 months
Drugs or Vaccines HTA ProgramAssessment of non-COVID-19 drugs or vaccines5 months
Clinical Equipment Devices HTA ProgramDevelopment of HTA Methods Guide for assessing Clinical Equipment and Devices
Profiling of Medical Devices and Equipment in the Philippines
5 months
Other Health Technologies HTA ProgramDevelopment of Methods Guide for the following Other Health Technologies: -Electronic platforms and interventions -Telecommunication platforms and interventions -Artificial intelligence and machine learning systems5 months